11 Fitness Businesses You Can Start Today

The health and fitness industry is booming. Also, the fitness industry has evolved significantly in the last couple of years. There is a major emphasis on at-home and virtual workouts. So, if you are a fitness professional, there are plenty of opportunities for you to start your business. In this article, I will share some fitness businesses you can start today.

Personal Training Business

A personal trainer helps clients reach their personal fitness goals. The interesting thing is that you can start a personal training business in-person or online and you can charge a one-time fee for sessions or have a subscription package. Also, as a personal trainer, you can offer various workout options or focus on a specific area like strength training.

Health Coaching

Health coaches work individually with clients, focusing on fitness and other areas like healthy eating. As a health coach, you can interact with people virtually or in person and charge a one-time or ongoing subscription fee. You can also provide multiple levels of services.

Fitness Instructors

If you would rather freelance, this may be the right business opportunity for you. As a fitness instructor, you can freelance by offering classes at various facilities or providing online training. This is definitely one of the top fitness businesses you can start today if you are a beginner. This business does not require a dedicated space and can learn about the industry while working with established businesses.

Fitness Studio

Fitness studios may offer some equipment and instructions, but they are usually known for providing group classes. If you are interested in this business, you will need a dedicated space, but it is usually smaller and includes less heavy equipment than full gyms.

Health Club Business

A health club allows members to use their gym equipment and facilities in exchange for a monthly fee. This requires a dedicated space and specialized equipment. But you can earn a steady monthly income if you can get enough members.

Dance Studio

Dance can be a fun way to get more movement. So, you can start a studio to offer classes for people of all ages or focus on a specific niche, from ballroom dancing to gymnastics.

Online Fitness Blogger

As a blogger, you can offer tips and online workouts that others can do on their own time. This can be done remotely. So, you don’t need your own facility or lots of upfront costs. However, you will need your own website. In addition, you may need to have social media accounts and this may help you with marketing.

Yoga Studio

Yoga studios offer classes specifically for this niche audience. You may focus most on actual movement and/or the meditative and spiritual elements. This same concept can also be applied to other specific niches like pilates, barre, or cycling.

Fitness Influencer

Fitness influencers may post workouts and tips on social media, working with relevant brands to provide sponsored content. If you like sharing healthy and fitness tips, this is definitely one of the top fitness businesses you can start today. As a fitness influencer, you can create content on platforms like YouTube, and this offers the opportunity to earn ad-sharing income.

Pop-Up Training Events

Pop-up training events may include outdoor boot camps at a local park or special training sessions at local gyms. You can charge a small admission for each event instead of getting your own dedicated space.

Workplace Wellness Instructor

As a workplace wellness instructor, you can partner with companies to offer workout classes and instruction. You may interact via live streaming or visit teams in person. Many of these entrepreneurs also dive into other areas of well-being like offering meal kits or meditation demonstrations.

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