Raising Children in Canada – African’s Perspective: Post event

On Saturday June 27, 2020, Side Gigs and Extra Bar hosted Mrs. Georginia Nwoke on a webinar focused on the Parenting in Canada. The theme of the webinar was “Raising Children in Canada – African’s Perspective”. The goal was to educate participants on the rights of the Canadian child. We discussed the differences between parenting in Africa and parenting in Canada. We also discussed the secrets that Mrs. Nwoke deployed in raising her pair of twins in Nigeria, the United Kingdom and finally in Canada.

If you missed the event, you can see the presentation document below.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://africaextended.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/PARENTAL-DISCIPLINE-IN-CANADA-2020.pdf” title=”PARENTAL DISCIPLINE IN CANADA 2020″]

Post Event Feedback

The session was very informative for listeners as the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Post event comments included

  • “Very insightful session through and through” according to Solo.
  • Sam said “Many thanks for this wonderful program”,
  • while Peshdon acknowledged being sad, knowing they missed out on a fantastic learning opportunity.

Learning Points

Mrs. Nwoke shared the following fundamental nuggets;

  1. You can only parent from where you are. She requested that parents get in touch with their own situations by acknowledging the pressures associated with their current positions. Whether it is meeting financial obligations, changing careers, moving to a new country, managing a high pressure job and other matters that may be at play.
  2. Discipline is different from Punishment. She pointed out the constructive nature of discipline. In addition, she highlighted its capacity to communicate, set boundaries and expectations, and reward good behavior while coming from a place of love. She contrasted this against punishment as being an expression of anger arising from unrelated matters. Punishment lacks communication, direction or accountability. In addition, it can be counter productive and reinforce the negative behavior. The differentiation proved to be an “Aha moment” for many attendees.
  3. Relationship is the cure all. The need for a solid relationship based on mutual trust and understanding became clear. It is important that parents make time for communication with their children. A genuine interest in the well being of children, their interests, hopes, and dreams. Considering their aspirations in making family decisions would help keep the lines of communication open. It would also reinforce their importance in the family to them.

More information

Mrs. Nwoke shared other nuggets in her book 110 Nuggets for Excellent Parenting. In addition to the book, You can also mine more nuggets from the video Parenting featuring Georginia Nwoke on the the website of her Psychology practice, Gilead Psychology Services.

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About Dotun Ayodele-Bamisaiye

Engineer turned Accountant, twice designated to boot. Now I just love to help.

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