Job Resources for New Immigrants in Ontario

job search resources for new immigrant

As a new immigrant, one of your immediate priorities is to get a job. For some others, it is to start a business. If you are looking for a job, it is important that you have access to the right resources. For those arriving in Ontario, this article will show the job resources for new immigrants in Ontario. You will learn about the services available to help you continue working in your profession or trade.

Regulated Professions

If your profession or trade is regulated,  in order to be able to work, you must:

  • have a license or certificate
  • be registered with the proper regulatory body

A regulatory body is an organization that oversees a regulated profession or trade. If you are in a regulated profession, you must obtain necessary license to work in that profession or trade.

Regulatory bodies:

  • set the standards that all workers need to meet
  • assess the qualifications and credentials of applicants
  • register qualified applicants
  • discipline members who break the rules

See licensing bodies for regulated professions in Canada for more details.

Programs and Services

There are programs and services available to new immigrants in every province and territories. These include settlement services. You will find below providing job search resources.

Ontario Bridge Training Program

These  training programs are for immigrants who have international training and experience. They are designed to “bridge” your international training, education and experience with what you need to work in Ontario. The Bridge program helps you get fast access to training and support so you can get a licence or certificate and find employment. We suggest you find bridge training program in your location before you arrive in Ontario.

Trade Equivalency Assessment

Aside the bridge program, you can have your experience and skills compared to an apprenticeship program in Ontario. The Trade Equivalency Assessment process assesses your skills based on one of the more than 140 Ontario apprenticeship programs. If you meet all the training requirements of that apprenticeship, you will qualify to apply for certification in your trade.

Health Force Ontario

Health Force Ontario serves internationally educated health care professionals. They help you integrate into the Ontario health care system, with the goal to help you become trained, licensed and employed in your profession or an alternative career.

Global Experience Ontario

Global Experience Ontario (GEO) is an information and referral centre. They can help you learn how to become licensed or certified to work in a regulated profession or skilled trade if you’ve been trained in another country. GEO does not offer services to health care-related professions, such as nurses, doctors and dentists.

Services by GEO

Global Experience Ontario (GEO) offers webinars and workshops that cover topics like:

  • the licensing or certification process for professions and trades
  • assessment of your credentials
  • employment and training programs
  • financial assistance
  • English and French language training
  • professional networks
  • mentorship and internship programs

Useful Resources

You will find below resource list containing the names of regulatory bodies and organizations that oversee a profession or trade. This list does not include all professions or trades. 

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