How To Stand Out On LinkedIn

How To Stand Out On LinkedIn

As you probably know, LinkedIn is one of the platforms to connect with potential employer. If you are to achieve this goal, you need to have the right profile. A LinkedIn profile is a great way for you to let people know who you are, what you stand for, and what you are interested in. You can define and develop how other members view your professional experience and qualifications. Having the right LinkedIn profile is one job search strategy that many ignore. This article will show you how to stand out on LinkedIn with your profile. So, if you think your LinkedIn profile sucks, read on.

Improving your LinkedIn profile does not need to take long. You only need a few minute and you can do it now after reading these tips.

1. Have A Customized URL

Most people have a customized URL for their Facebook and Instagram pages. So, why leave out LinkedIn? Not only will your LinkedIn profile link looks more professional, it will be way easier to remember. With the customization, your LinkedIn URL will like

2. Use A Professional Picture

If your LinkedIn profile picture is a selfie, you need to let it go immediately. Your photo is your first impression; make it count.

Nowadays, everyone carries a camera in their pocket. If you don’t have a camera, your phone probably has a good camera. So, use it. Get outside in some natural light and have a friend snap a few nice, professional-looking headshots.

3. Write a Killer Headline

Other than your profile photo, your headline is mostly the other thing people will see first. These two are what pop up on search pages. You have 120 characters to sell yourself. So, use them well. Start by Including your title first, and then consider adding one (or more) of the following:

  • Strengths: What sets you apart from the other people in your position?
  • Services: What can you offer the reader? Make it known right from the start!
  • Personality: By reflecting your true self, you are more likely to attract employers who are a good fit.

4. Ask for Recommendations

While many may not see this as important, don’t ignore it.  A recommendation is good to reinforcing your personality and skill-sets. It is even more important because it is how others see you. LinkedIn makes it really easy to write and request recommendations.If you don’t know how to ask for a recommendation, try writing one for someone first and then ask them to reciprocate.

Once you have follow the steps above, view your profile to see that everything is okay. You can also ask a friend for their feedback. Then, watch out for opportunity.

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