Making Lemonades out of Covid-19 lemons..

Making Lemonade

Editor’s note: This post was originally written by Tolu Adegbite and it first appeared on her LagosCanadaMum blog. Tolu is a Registered Early Childhood Educator.

I started a post and lost it…I’m not very happy about that….I don’t remember what I was writing about ?

It’s now about 5 weeks of lock-down, if my calculation is correct and the third week of online learning for  the children. We’ve formed our routine and it doesn’t involve us waking up at 7am, no, we sleep in and then start our day easy. Nothing is cast in stone, we just know there are things we get to do in the course of the day. We’re making lemonades out of our Covid-19 lemons, making lots of family memories along the way.

We are spending all our time indoors, moving between living room, kitchen, bedrooms, the basement and loft…thankfully, we have some space to move around. I wonder what being cooped up in an apartment would be like now..?. I think years down the line when our children get asked about the worldwide lock-down, they might be talking about things they did with us or what memories were made..

Making Forts is becoming a thing in our home and if you visit us, you might find one in the middle of our living room where the children might be sleeping for days ?. When they made the first one, we had it for a whole week and they camped there for that whole week ?

We are doing a lot of baking in our home..we’ve always cooked and baked but I think all the time we are spending together as a family is giving us more ideas of things to make ? We’ve made banana bread, scotch eggs, milk bread and meat pies. We are also using the opportunity to teach our children some cooking and basic skills…those are life skills after all. Peep some of the things we’ve baked below:

milk break
milk break

Hot cross buns

Hot cross buns

Flat bean cakes
Flat bean cakes

Scotch eggs
Scotch eggs

Meat pies ready to go in the oven
Meat pies ready to go in the oven

We aren’t only cooking and baking. We are also exercising together as a family and it’s a lot of fun when we do. My daughter and I have also found our love for dance exercises and sometimes Zumba. Keira Leshae and Mo Diakite on Youtube are our coaches ?. The boys find our dancing a bit too goofy though my son joins in sometimes and it’s fun. We give lots of high fives and laugh a lot while doing them.

We recently acquired a basketball net, thanks to some nice neighbors who put one outside and left a note asking anyone to take for free. That was such a great and huge gift and the children are enjoying playing outdoors with it when the weather is good. We are also playing soccer outdoors in the yard.

We adopted a squirrel! Her name is Kiki and we feed her some cereals when she comes into the yard. She had been coming and leaving but on this day, the children decided to take their relationship further ?

Kiki eating her snack ?
Kiki eating her snack ?

A major thing happened! I finished my early childhood diploma, that’s it; 4 semesters done. I am now able to apply as a Registered early childhood educator. This feat deserves its own post…I will hopefully do one about it because I am super proud of myself!

I have to go now; we are going outdoors to do a soil test as part of my son’s school work ?

I love to hear from you. How have you been keeping and what memories are you building with your family? How are you making lemonades out of your covid-19 lemons. Please send me a comment. I would also be happy to answer any questions if you have any.

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About Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Co-founder & Publisher of AfricaX. He is interested in: Technology | Media | Startup | Business | Education. Emmanuel currently lives in Calgary, Canada with his family.

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